Sunday, February 12, 2012

Twilight Saga is the best final fantasy series of books I have ever read and watch. Stephenie Meyer is such an intelligent writer to come up this kind of novel.
The story revolves around the life of a 17 year old young lady in the name of Isabella swan whom fall in love with a vampire in the person of Edward Cullen. Challenges and adventures are the ingredients on their love affair as they continue to follow whats their heart dictate them. 

If ever vampires are real, is there Cullen family also that are not bound to kill human for living? An exciting question I always like to have an answer. I would like to experience the feeling that Isabella had. The way Edward fight for her and as well as Jacob shows how powerful their emotions against everything.

The Full Collection Of Books

People today believe that these are myths. They are not existing in our real world.I wish they exist. Back to the saga series, I wish the part 2 of Breaking Dawn would now publish.

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